About us
Welcome to the Hardware & Consumable Store for MYPOS Connect.
Founded in 2001, we’ve been helping our clients with their requirements for POS, payments and systems integrations (this Shopify e-commerce platform is integrated with both Xero and a MYPOS Connect POS solution).
From humble beginnings in 2001 in Sussex, our business now provides solutions and support for our clients, from family-owned small businesses to multinationals with complex global requirements.
Want to learn more?
Talk to one of our experts, we will be more than happy to start an informal discussion on how we can help your business.
For more information: www.myposconnect.com
Identivue Limited (t/a MYPOS Connect) Terms & Conditions of Sale can be found at the following URL: https://www.myposconnect.com/terms-and-conditions-of-sale
MYPOS Connect partners with Adyen N.V. to provide financial services, payment services and banking services (including cross-border services in the EEA). Adyen N.V. (member of the European Central Bank, licensed as Credit Institution by De Nederlandsche Bank) is registered in the Netherlands as company number 34259528. Dutch law defines a bank as a credit institution as referred to in Article 4 of the CRR. The CRR defines a credit institution as an undertaking the business of which is (i) to take deposits or other repayable funds from the public and (ii) to grant credits for its own account.